Councıl and Wrıtıng Rules


Features to Look for in Papers

• The language of the paper is Turkish, Arabic and English.

• The submitted paper must not have been published anywhere before.

• The subject of the paper should be in accordance with the content of the Council.

• Papers should be "original" in terms of method, subject and sources.

• The texts of the papers should be in A4 size and should not exceed 40 pages.

• The text of the paper must be delivered to the SHURA secretariat before the symposium.

• Even if the abstract is accepted, the papers that do not pass the approval of the Arbitration Committee and do not send the full text on the given date will not be included in the SHURA book.

• Papers should reveal a new knowledge and thesis on the axis of Tawhid Thought.

• Abstracts of maximum 300 words should be submitted by the given date.

• Papers approved by the Scientific Committee will be announced on the SHURA web address.


Paper Writing Rules


1. Summary Preparation:

• Abstracts should be prepared in Turkish and Arabic or English.

• Abstracts should not exceed 300 words, excluding the title and bibliography.

• Five keywords related to the study topic should be added at the end of the abstract.

• The abstract page should not contain information about the author(s).

• The abstract should be written on A4 size paper with 1.5 line spacing, 11 point Times New Roman font, with margins of 2.5 cm from the top, 2.5 cm from the left, 2 cm from the right and 2.5 cm from the bottom.

• Abstract text should be justified.

• Abstracts will be sent online at


Preparing the Full Text of the Paper:

• The following sections or headings should be included in the full texts.

o Subject title

o (Below the title) Name/Surname of the Author(s) (Title, institution and e-mail address should be stated in the footnote.) The names of the authors should be written in italics on the right margin.

o Summary

o Subject (titles, chapters, content, conclusion, bibliography, appendices, etc.)

• Full text should be written on A4 size paper, with 1.5 line spacing, 11 point Times New Roman font, with margins of 2.5 cm from the top, 2.5 cm from the left, 2 cm from the right and 2.5 cm from the bottom.

• APA Spelling rules should be followed.

• The use of footnotes should be avoided as much as possible, this use should only be used for explanations and automatic numbering should be used.

References in the text should be written in parentheses, for example ( Bilgiseven 1985: 35).

• Text should be justified.

• Footnotes should be on the page they are cited, tables and graphics should be on the referenced page or later. Tables and figures should be given titles and numbers, titles should be placed above the tables and below the figures and graphics.

• At the end of the paper, the sources used in the text should be given in alphabetical order. The bibliography should be arranged in a single line spacing, the first line should be left justified, and the other lines should be 1 cm indented.

• Appendices should be placed after the bibliography section.

• The full text of the paper should not exceed 40 pages.

• In the preparation of the paper, scientific writing rules should be followed on other subjects not mentioned here.

• Full papers will be sent online at



  "2. The International Council for the Reconstruction of the Branches of Science from the Light of Unity Thought will be held in Çankırı, Çankırı Karatekin University, in cooperation with our Çankırı Karatekin University and İLMAR (Scientific and Methodological Research Association). Participation here will be made with the following information sent to the address


General council call address


Title/Name Surname


Your Affiliate Institution


E-Mail Address


Your phone number


Paper Name


Paper Field/Department/Department
